Monday, October 19, 2009


So here goes my first blog...Scary stuff! Lol

So theres this boy. He can be pretty AAAmazing. Or pretty jerkish. But today he was such a sweety that I need to share it with peeps. :P

I walked into 6th hour today. Went and sat at my desk, Brian looked over at me and was just staring. Finally he was like "You dyed your hair!", umm duhhh :) hahah. Anyways he said "Aww well it looks really pretty, just like you!" How freaking sweet is that. He knows just how to make my day. I felt soo special after that. And then later on I went to go turn my assignment in and he grabbed my hand and stopped me, told me I had to give him a hug. It was like the longest hug ever, ok well not really because all of Brians hugs are long. He is a cuddle monster :D

Now lets just hope he doesnt screw things up!